When you start thinking about buying a diamond then obviously you want to buy the beautiful diamonds that you can afford. They are available in range of sizes, shapes, color and quality and the price of a 1 carat diamond price differs as per the color and quantity.Although, it is true that everyone wants to buy the best quality diamond but it should be in your budget and spend as much that you can afford. All types of diamonds are forever and the price will not deteriorate with time as they endure generations.
If you are buying UK diamonds from a wholesale dealer than always compare the prices with other dealers to make a better deal. You can compare the price of a 2 carat diamond price with a similar type available at other dealer to make comparison. Avoid confusion between its carat weight and the size. All of them are sold by carat weight. The jeweler always tries to retain maximum carat to minimize the loss. Those have a higher cut quality are excellent, ideal and they sparkle more for better brilliance and fire than lower cut grade.
The values of all it are calculated by the exact quality like 4C's cut, color, and clarity and carat weight. The sparkle and brilliance makes it of better quality. Try to obtain maximum knowledge on 4Cs to get better deals as it is the first step to buy genuine one. Before starting your shopping, understand what are you buying and the process of buying a diamond. These days diamond can also be bought online and internet holds all information on diamonds. While buying online, look for certified diamonds as the chances of getting a poor quality is more in loose diamonds. Avoid buying from loose diamonds if you don't have any knowledge on diamonds. Make comparison by knowing the price of a 1 carat diamond price.
Most of us are aware about colorless diamonds while the reality is that they are available in range of colors. The GIA's color grading system is used to classify the color as D, E or F. A color enhanced diamond is 100% natural and they are available in wide range at very affordable price range.
In recent time, the technology has become high tech and you can change the color of the diamond as well. The processes of transformation are permanent and the color of the diamond will not fade even after exposure to sunrays.
But out of all types of diamonds, blue diamonds are rare and a natural beauty since centuries. They are found in countries like Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa and India. This color is due to the presence of an element known as boron. The shades differ with the amount of this mineral but the most common shades include ocean blue, sky blue and ice blue.
While buying any type of diamond or specially UK diamonds, consider the importance of originality and color to you as blue diamonds are rare and expensive. You can also buy artificially treatment colored diamonds that does not degrade the quality of diamonds but comparatively cheaper than real blue diamonds.
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